The Building Permit Application Checklist below will assist you in providing the necessary information and preparing plans for submittal with a building permit application. Alterations, additions, and remodeling projects may not require all drawings and submittals listed. Please discuss the specifics of your project with the Permit Service Center staff before submitting a building permit application. By submitting complete and legible plans that clearly indicate and describe new work and any existing work, you will help us issue your permit as quickly as possible.
General requirements for residential and commercial buildings in American Canyon. Codes Enforced (May 2024):
The application will require:
Building plans should be legible and drawn to scale. Plans should be prepared with block lettering and sufficient contrast to be readable when microfilmed. All plans must be submitted electronically with your application. When required by California State Law, plans must be prepared by an architect or engineer.
Fees are as established by the City of American Canyon Fee Schedule. Building and Planning plan review fees shall be paid prior to acceptance of project plans for plan review. Additional project fees may be charged by other agencies including school districts, fire district, etc.
The information provided in this checklist is general and intended as a guide only. Each project is unique and additional requirements may be enforced as deemed appropriate by the Building Official.
Building Division
(707) 647-4581
Code Enforcement Division
(707) 647-4599
Planning & Zoning Division
(707) 647-4348
General Inquiries
Community Development Director
4381 Broadway, Suite 201 American Canyon, CA 94503